US Solar Doctor
US Solar Doctor
Solar PV Service and Maintenance

Why is labor reimbursement important to me?

18.12.23 01:42 PM Comment(s) By Scott

Why is labor reimbursement important to me?

Many times, when we work with a new client, the customer will say "it is all under warranty why do I need to pay an additional amount". This is because the manufacturer's warranty might not have a labor reimbursement program for installers or they might even have an adjustment for how many years the system has been installed and adjust the rates for labor.


One example is the SolarEdge warranty, which over time has diminished the labor reimbursement. 12 years ago SolarEdge had a really good labor reimbursement program for installers, they paid $200 for a truck roll and then $50 for removal and replacement of the optimizer or $125 for inverters. Today the labor reimbursement has changed so that after 5 years the installation company will not get paid for inverter or inverter components installations, however, the inverter does have a 12-year warranty.


Reducing or eliminating the manufacturer's labor reimbursement puts more pressure on the system owner to pay for labor to fix a warranted item.

Todays Warranty reimbursement for SolarEdge.


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